Closed Closet

Anyone ever notice how the word ‘closet’ has the word ‘close’ in it? And I’m not talking about close as opposed to far. I mean close like closed, shut off.
Well we all know that the reason people use the word closet because it indicates you’re hiding, but they also say it’s dark, it’s scary, and it’s lonely in the closet.

Being a word lover, I looked up the etymology of the word ‘closet’ today, and here’s what I dug up: “late 14c., from O.Fr. closet ‘small enclosure, private room,’ dim. of clos, from L. clausum ‘closed space,’ from neut. pp. of claudere ‘to shut'” (Source:
I can’t say I know how reputable is, but let’s roll with it.

Well, curious monkey I am, I looked up close: late 14c., “strictly confined,” also “secret,” from O.Fr. clos “confined; concealed, secret; taciturn” (again, from

Why is it that kids and adults alike are living in strictly confined, secret, shut up, closed places? It’s sort of like the eternal question of the LGBT rights movement, and of course, countless campaigns and organizations have been started to try and open the closet doors so we don’t have to be so alone. But where is the responsibility of the individual?

I jokingly say that I should wear a rainbow ‘A’ across myself to mean ‘Ally.’ I say that because I think we all have an individual responsibility to be out, visible allies to the LGBT community. Don’t just be out as a gay person, be out as someone who wants to help others. Someone who wants to help open the closet door or at least share some of that burden. Wear your pride on your sleeve, because you never know who’s watching.

If you’re the person that was never in the closet, well, that’s great. Actually, it’s awe-inspiring. Having the guts to uncompromisingly be yourself (even if you don’t choose that)…well, that’s amazing.

But it’s ok. Not all of us are free to live without the closet.

To both sides of the spectrum, though, I ask: what difference would an ally have made on your life? Whether you’ve never been ashamed or you’re still working on feeling proud of yourself, would an ally have hurt?

It’s my random Jenah thought of the day. Discuss with me? COMMENT!!!!!!


About Jenah
Dedicated to keeping you informed about everything LGBTQIA

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