Don’t Stop Believing

It’s June 30th. The end of Pride Month. This month, we’ve seen controversy erupt over Old Navy’s Pride shirts- conservatives didn’t like the fact that Old Navy was getting proud, while LGBTQIA rights activists didn’t like the fact that Old Navy wasn’t selling the shirts everywhere (so we’re clear, I was kind of in that camp. Just sayin’).

We’ve seen NY legalize marriage equality, RI legalize civil unions (and we’re seeing a fallout from LGBT rights groups who want more than just civil unions). We’ve seen countless pride parades, countless companies starting to crack open the closet door and begin revealing themselves as allies.  We’ve continued to watch Obama grapple with what to do about these issues.

What does it all mean?  As a general activists, watching Women’s Rights Month and Black History Month come and go every year, I’m left to wonder what it all means. It’s nice to see Google put up a rainbow flag and see banks and buildings fly a Pride flag- that sort of visible support is always appreciated and certainly can’t hurt, the fact that it is confined to a month is annoying.

There are plusses and minuses to everything.  I like making pro/con lists, it often helps me sort out my mind, so here’s the pro/con list on this one, as far as I know:

-We’re stuck in one month

-We have a month, which at least gives companies and newspapers a way to bring up the issue

It’s lame. I need your help!
Happy Pride. Even though the month is over, keep waving your flags. I’m right there with ya.

About Jenah
Dedicated to keeping you informed about everything LGBTQIA

One Response to Don’t Stop Believing

  1. deepdoll01 says:

    never forget. It just gets better!

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