God and the Superbowl

God has his chance. It is now. It is tonight.

As many of us know, humans have very little impact on the outcome of sporting events. Rather, God and his heavenly angels divinely determine who shall win by siding with one team or the other.

So tonight, God has his chance. His opportunity to lay to rest the debate of marriage equality and the rights of GSM (gender and sexual minority) people. You see, we have the 49ers, from San Francisco of all places, with Chris Culliver, who is, in a word, homophobic. And we have the Baltimore Ravens with Brendon Ayanbadejo, a very vocal proponent of LGBT equality.

I’m rooting for the Ravens. Well really, I’m rooting for Brendon Ayanbadejo. And if God is rooting for the gays (and the lesbians, the bisexuals, the transgender persons, the genderqueers, pansexuals, 2-spirits…and so on), he’s rooting for the Ravens, too. Right?

